Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Treatment in Pleasanton, CA

At Miracle-Ear, we are devoted to providing ongoing care and support to those who need it. Our expertise in Pleasanton, California is unparalleled. Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is a type of sensorineural hearing impairment caused by exposure to loud noises. This can harm the hair cells in the inner ear and the auditory nerve, leading to tinnitus and other long-term residual damage.

NIHL is the second most common form of acquired hearing loss after age-related hearing loss, and can be severe enough to necessitate hearing aids. If you are having difficulty hearing your loved ones or understanding others, we can provide you with a hearing test*. Knowing the dangers of noise and how to maintain good hearing health can help you protect your hearing for life. Recent studies suggest that up to 40 million adults (24 percent) under 70 years of age may have characteristics in their hearing tests that suggest hearing loss due to exposure to loud noises.

Kathie Layssard
Kathie Layssard

Total social media guru. Unapologetic web geek. General social media guru. Friendly organizer. Total tv evangelist. Unapologetic pop culture geek.